Having millions of dollars in your bank account, having the best cars, the biggest house, being the wife of a soon to be CEO, seems like the best life ever until you add a cheating husband, a meth dealing pool boy, a pregnant teenage daughter and a daughter that owes over a hundred thousand dollars to credit card companies. This book is about middle aged women named Janice Miller and her two daughters Lizzie and Margaret life after their husband/father left them for Janice’s tennis partner, Beverly. This story takes place in Santa Rita during the summer of 2009.The main plot of this story is the divorce of Janice and her husband Paul, who is a soon to be CEO and billionaire. The story shows how Janice loses her perfect grip and at the same time doesn’t realize who her daughters have become. The reason for the divorce is never told in the book, the author makes the readers guess. The divorce/the horrible pre-nuptial agreement about Paul’s money assets for the Coifex pills all happened because of Paul’s trickery and lying to Janice and his family .All We Ever Wanted was Everything by Janelle Brown is a must read book for readers above fifteen, you will never want to put it down, this book teaches you too keep moving on and it makes us look into our lives and wonder if everything is alright.                                

Sometimes a tragedy can be a blessing is the theme of this book. When something bad happens you have to look for people to find comfort in and sometimes that involves fixing broken family ties and it also means that you have to overcome the obstacles and look back in your life and see what you can fix. Margaret the older daughter left to go live in Los Angeles and start her own magazine called Snatch, however the magazine doesn’t have a huge take off and Margret is left in debt and being harassed by her ex-boyfriend who turned movie star and debt collectors. This huge turn off events left Margaret to go back home and re-connect with her Mom and to find quick cash jobs while helping her mom with the divorce which shows her that family is more important than anything and that they will help her. Another huge tragedy that happened is Janice’s divorce. However Janice’s divorce helped her to see how much she has lost connection with her daughters and that she let her materialistic life change her. For Margaret and Janice the tragedy of everything and having to start from zero helped them realize that family is important and that starting from zero isn’t always bad.

                The story’s setting basically triggers the divorce by blinding Janice from the greedy women, the gossipers and the society of elite high schools. If this story would have taken place in the 1700’s in the mid-west the stories plot would be completely different. The need to have the biggest cars and the house wouldn’t be the biggest worry. Another way the story would be completely different is that Paul’s company wouldn’t have taken off or even exist because of the lack of technology that they had back then.  Also divorce wasn’t a big thing back then so Paul and Janice would have had to confront their problems and the Miller family wouldn’t be broken up.

`               When starting over you sometimes have to change yourself. In this book, Lizzie, the youngest daughter goes from being the fat loser to being the stunning swimmer on the swim team. However for Lizzie losing all the weight and becoming gorgeous attracted the boys in her grade and Lizzie becomes the school slut and even having a scoreboard in the boy’s locker room, where the boys write when they had sex with her. This becomes a huge problem for Lindsey because she feels used and every girl hates her. Lindsey starts going to church and learns about adultery but she becomes pregnant at fifteen. This adds to the conflict by adding extra stress on Janice{ her mom} and requires her mom to think if it is all her fault and all the extra stress makes Janice go back to using meth but as she calls it ,It. Sweet Lizzie  isn’t so sweet anymore. Another huge transformation is Janice’s. Janice used to be the super mom. Always cooking the best meals and always knowing what to do. However after the divorce Janice turns into a wreck. She starts using meth which she buys from her pool boy. This adds on to her divorce because some of the gossip spies tell Paul that Janice is seeing the pool boy, who has a record. Janice’s conflict is a mess. She has become a drug addict, she had lost connection with her daughters and she embarrasses herself without burst while being high on meth. Janice went from being the well put mom to being a drug addict struggling to figure out how to get her life back.

                The structure of this book is helpful to fully understand the story. The author uses flashbacks a lot in the book. The flashbacks are helpful because they go back and add more clarity to what is going on. Another way the flashbacks are helpful, is that they explain why something is happening. For example when Lizzie was asking Margaret how her and her ex-boyfriend are {Lizzie didn’t know that they weren’t together} Margaret flashbacks to her and Bart’s last fight before he left. Over all, the structure is very organized and clear. The author doesn’t jump around a lot, so it is very easy to follow.

                The author’s syntax is very up and down. Sometimes you have to stop and think about the sentences and sometimes you have to re-read the sentence, but sometimes the sentences are really clear.  “For a moment she considers chasing her mother down to tell her about her confrontation with Paul-I gave it all up for you!-just to see the stunned look of guilt on her face, No, she thinks. Let her find out on her own!”(pg.261, Brown).  The sentences like this in the book are very confusing because you don’t know who said, “I gave it all up for you”, you have to use context clues. Another sentence is “Janice feels the crunch of the gravel through the think rubber of her slippers, the slap of her purse against her satin bathrobe as she jogs toward the car, the dimple the remote lock under her finger.”(372, Brown). Sentences like this show how the author uses details to clarify the sentence and to make you feel like you are there, the imagery in the sentence is huge. However the author still uses easy sentences that you don’t need to think about because there is so much detail. “Her father rolled his eyes and muttered something about” throwing away her potential” and the fortune they’d wasted on her education.” This sentence clearly states that her parents are disappointed in her and they are not shy to say that. (pg.151, Brown)

                In the life when you do something there is always an effect and sometimes the effect can be positive and sometimes it can be negative. In the book the first cause and effect story is when Bart persuades Margaret to leave New York {Margaret left to go to college in New York} and goes to Los Angeles. This is when Margaret’s life becomes to go downhill because she starts taking money from Bart and she becomes in debt because a few months after she moved with Bart, he left her. Another story is when Janice see’s that her pool boy James came to work high Janice sees how happy he is and she wants what he has so that she can finally be happy again. This is when Janice starts using Meth. The effect of this is that Janice becomes addicted fast and she is seen a lot with James and her neighbors start talking and the news gets to Paul and he looks into James and sees his record. Her relationship with James complicated her divorce. Lastly there is Lizzie. After Lizzie lost all her weight, she wanted to lose her virginity as soon as possible because all the other girls where calling her prude. So Lizzie lost her virginity Johnny while they were both drunk. After guys heard about what she did, they made her drunk at parties, so that she will sleep with them. This made Lizzie the school slut and she lost respect from everybody because of that mistake that she made when she way drunk with Johnny.  Her becoming the school slut also resulted in her becoming pregnant after she drank way to much one night and slept with Mark Weatherlove, the son of the mistress that Paul was cheating with while being with Janice.

                When picking a book reviews are very important. After reading this book, I am happy that there are people who liked it too. “The book seems a bit long, but it’s a great page turner that would be a great summer or vacation read. It had more substance that your typical “chick-lit” book because it focused on the real problems of the 3 Miller women,”-(Kelly, Good Reads.) I totally agree with this quote. This book might be long but you cannot put the book down. “I read this book in one sitting through an overcast Saturday afternoon and evening. The praise on its cover describes "All We Ever Wanted Was Everything" as the perfect summer read, and I would agree.”(Alexandria Baca, Good Reads.) I also agree with this quote. This is definitely a book that you can read during the summer by the pool because no matter what the weather, during summer when you are not doing anything, this book is a choice!  “All We Ever Wanted Was Everything is not all rainbows and ice cream sundaes as the cover of this novel depicts, but more closely resembles a train wreck that also catches on fire, blows up, and then drowns.”(-Sarah, Good Reads.) I disagree with this book. Even though the cover can be deceiving it all makes sense at the end, so clearly this person didn't finish the book. Also this book isn't really all that depressing, there are parts where you just sit and laugh for a minute.

After reading this paper you are probably thinking, so what? This book teaches you about triumph and how to overcome the biggest obstacles, when you don’t expect them. The lessons that you learn in this book can help you solve your family and friendship problems. This booking is funny and has its hidden humor. Who doesn't want a book filled with gossip and with events that can happen to anybody. Everybody loves a good story that takes them away from their problems and All We Ever Wanted Was Everything does that. 

Definition: refraining from something

Sentence in the book: "Her father is smiling at her,a warm smile of paternal forbearance that is-she grows 
perplexed-totally unexpected."pg.252

My sentence: Molly forbearance from sweets helped her get her spring break body.

Monodic device: Forbidden, Forbearance 
Dear Mrs.Hubbard,

Let me just begin this letter by saying this book is one of the best books I have read in a long time. I love the way you formatted the book as a journal of some of your experiences but it didn't seem like a journal to me.There are many things about/in this book that I loved. The first thing was that the confusing but warm friendship between Glenn and Alex.I love how they scoff at each other all the time but they will never let the other one fall. Secondly was the way that you structured the main character Alex Stromm as the good but barely noticed guy which leads me to a question. "Why did Alex try to keep his identity a secret in the beginning referring to himself as Is man, but later in the book he started including some of his poems that are titled Written by Alex Stromm? In the book Mrs.Dovecott was always suspicious about Glenn and when Alex mentioned that Glenn's eyes were finally clear and not filled with murkiness does that mean that Glenn maybe killed Thomas? I know you are probably thinking what did I just say. I know that Thomas was drunk on Vodka and he didn't jump in the water the right way but was Glenn trying to make sure that what Clay told Alex about Glenn and Thomas being together in a bathroom stall from coming out to anybody else? On page 117 when Glenn says" Wait.No,you go.You're faster.I'll stay,"(Hubbard,117) to Alex was that when he tried to kill Thomas by putting his hand(Glenn's hand) over Thomas mouth just like what Mrs.Dovecott told Alex.? Oh, and about the "thing' that Alex had with Mrs.Dovecott did she genuinely like him? I really hope that they meet up one day and get married. Once again, Mrs.Hubbard,your book was great. From the setting taking place in a prestige English Private school with no tolerance to wrongdoings and shenanigans to throwing in real life teenage problems.

                                                                          Emily Agadzhanova
P.S.: I loved the way that you started each chapter with a qoute from Moby Dick.

P.S.S.: I can't wait for the movie about this book to come out! 

    Imagine waking up for school,the first full week,you see in big letters CHICAGO PUBLIC  TEACHERS ON STRIKE,which means no school. For the past week there has been a strike going on in chicgao. Teachers are one strike for many reasons. The main reasons are lower health care costs,a raise in pay,knowing that their jobs are secure and about test scores of students affecting their pay. There is over 3,000 teachers on strike. A strike I am against for the many selfish reasons the strike is for.
    The teachers that are on strike believe what they are doing is right and benefiting everyone. Instead it is doing more hurt than good. With the teachers not teaching,there about 350,000 students at home or on the streets. It is also affecting the parents who don't have places to put their kids,so they have to stay at home from work or take the kids to work. Another thing is that because the students aren't in class they are not learning and are going to have to make up all the work they have missed. "We know that a strike will put a strain on many families, and no one will be hurt more by a strike than our students," said
    One of the main reasons for the strike is that teachers want higher salaries. I think that this is wrong. The main reason why I think that this is wrong is because they are already making close to $80,000 a year. They also get 2.5 million dollers each when they retire.However cost of living might be higher in Chicago, $80,000 still makes a pretty good lifestyle and 2.5 million makes a pretty good retirement fund. Also the teachers should be happy that they even have jobs in this bad economy and the teachers should love what they do and it shouldn't be all about the money. In a long term affect, the teachers striking are also hurting the economy. This is beacuse the students are not getting an education because they are sitting at home which means that they won't get good jobs when they are older which will lead to  higher unemployment rate in the future. 
    Lastly the main reason I am against this strike is that as the teachers are striking some may not go back after the strike is over which means bad teachers are replacing good teachers. Which means if they all have job security bad teachers could be teaching and not be fired. Which is un-fair because the teachers could not teach and they could be mean but students will have to suffer and not learn. 
    As you can see the strike is wrong is, it is affecting the education of students and it is showing that the government isn't in charge which bothers me the most. Even though the stike is over, the affects of the strike will still be seen. The government having to pay teachers more and bad teachers are still teaching. Do you believe that the government should of given the teachers what they wanted?
 Think about the athletes you saw at the Olympics. How do they take care of their health? What are some things you do or eat that they would not?  Most of us watched the Olympic games, we saw the athletes sweat,swim for hours,beat world records and saw the amazing sculpted bodies. As you saw most of the athletes were pretty healthy,but how do they stay healthy despite all the traveling,meeting fans and cold season? 
  To most athletes their body makes their career. If you are out of shape and unhealthy you won't be able to go through training,drills and the routines of a athlete. To keep themselves healthy they have to take many precautions. One of the main things is keeping hydrated and eating the right things. The other thing is constanly working out because if they stop it hurts their body and it messes up their whole system. During cold seasons olypic althetes have to stay well. They usually isolate them selves from the sick and get their shots.

   The amount of calorie consuption is very important for Olympic athletes . They consume from around 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day due to the amount of training they do everyday. However fluid amount differs on the type of olympics,Winter or Summer. In a study conducted by Nanna Meyer, a nutritionist, showed that fluid and calorie consumption was less for Winter Olympic athletes because they sweat less than the Summer Olympic athletes do.
    I don't know about you but what I eat and do is totally different then what an Olympic athlete would do. To begin with I eat about 2,000 calories a day and consume very little sodium unlike professional athletes who eat about on average 5,000 calories and consume a lot of sodium to replenish  the sodium they lost during training. Another thing is that I have a little bit of a sweet tooth and professional athletes probably try to stay as far away as they can from sweets. The amount of exercise I do is nothing compared to an Olympic Athletes. I work out 3-4 times a day for an hour and I have physical education unlike the athletes who train and work out on average 24-36 hours a week. 
    So I must say I am not healthier than an athletes. They go above and beyond to keep their number one possession as healthy as it can be. So do you think you are healthier than a Missy May or a Ryan Lochte? 

  I have been training all my life for this moment. Not many people keep on going after all the injuries, the pain and the tears. However I did. I made it to the 2028 Olympics in San Diego. I will be competing with the best, but after tonight I will be the best in Pole Vault. My turn is up,the ebullient crowd is cheering and waving the U.S. flag. I feel like my heart is about to burst out of my body. The bell goes"Bing!" and I salute to the let the judges know I am ready.
  Shifting my feet back and forth, the adrenaline is taking over, I begin to run. My name is John Paul and I am from Detroit. I am fifteen years old, a straight a student,  I lived in a terrible neighborhood where there were gangs and violence all the time, and sports aren't a big thing. I lived with my mom Shirley,a fragile Irish lady, who has gone through so many things. My father left us after my brother was murdered in a gang shooting. My mother was afarid that I was going to turn to drugs to cope with everything that has happened. So one day she went out of town to find a sports center for me to participate in. She found the I and C track and field center about fifty miles from the house. Without asking me for my opinion, she signed me for the Pole Vault team. I didn't even know what Pole Vaulting was!
    I stick the pole in the ground. The next week my mom took me to the center where I was going to meet my coach. My coach was Lin,a funny looking Asian man,he was won five championship titles in his career. I though he was a cool dude but he is tougher than a lion trying to fight a predator! The next day I woke up at 5 am in the morning to go to practice. At practice I kept falling,falling and knocking the stand down. I felt like a loser especially with the other members glowering at me through the corner of their eyes. I went home that day with my gym bag as the "thugs" in the neighborhood , leaning and smoking,yell remarks at me like "Save your time boy,your never going to get out of this town." The next day I woke up with blisters on my hands the size of Jupiter. 
    Flying in the air, I know I have won. After three years of intense training, people denying me and winning a plethora of awards, I was ready to go higher in my training. I got my first scholarship offer to the University of North Carolina [UNC]. A year into college I made the top 10 in Pole Vaulting in the Unites States. I was sitting in my room studying for a major test and the phone rang. My mom was on the line and she was crying. My heart drop faster than a alka seltzer tablet dissolves in water. "You did it!' she cried. " Mom, what did I do! Is everything okay?" I whispered. That night I found out that I made to the Olympic Trials and I have made my dream come true. 
   I was so excited but nervous. I called my coach and he yelled" I couldn't keep it a secret anymore!" The next day was my birthday, I was turning 19. My friend Jake, a tall nerd,and I decided to go skateboarding. We were both drunk and stupid. I got on the skateboard and went down this new ramp,right when I was about to get off I fell and "Pop" went my ankle.
    Thump! Went my feet on the mat. I have finished my routine.That night when I sprang my ankle was one of the scariest moments in my life. I didn't know if I could compete in the Olympic Trials. At the trials my ankle was throbbing but I ignored it. My name is called and I run, nail  the pole in the ground,fly over the post and land on the mat. The next thing I remember is my mom attacking me and yelling" You did it!' and Coach Lin crying. I did it, I made the United States Pole Vaulting Olympic Team! 
    I get off the mat.The crowd is cheering,yelling my name. It was the happiest moments of my life.After the judges tallied the score, the announcer's voice came on and he announced my score, clear,crisp and loud. I stood there,frozen like a popsicle in a freezer. I was 0.01 points away from being on the podium.However I was not upset. Growing up in the projects and having people deny my efforts, I believe I have made it far enough, To be honest I will keep on trying and training. The games will see me in the next four years, on the podium with a medal around my neck. 

Fish jsut swimming in the water, they look fine but their radiation cesium amount is 258 higher than government levels that deem the fish safe. The Tokyo Electirc Power Company found 25,800 becuerels of radioactive cesuism in two seas within less than 50 kilometeters from the plant in Fukushima. This is a record from the area caught since the March 2011 earthquake and Tsunami that led to this nuclear disaster. The finding of this comes just after scientist found mutating butterflies near the Fukushima  plant. 

I believe that this is a really bad situation. People depend on eating fish and now they have to be very careful. Another thing is that fish prices are going to go up in grocery stores because we get some fish from Japan. Like the TEPCO Representative said" It found exceeding limit exceeding radio active cesium levels  in other kinds of fish and shellfish". Its scary it really is because the radiation is traveling through the water. What do you think about this situation? 

I am commenting on peoples blog to tell them how much I like their blog and to learn a little bit about them. Another thing I am doing is writing little notes that can help them improve their blog. Here are the blogs that I am commenting on:http://imstillamuggle.weebly.com/1/post/2012/08/crazy-weekend.html#comments